Sunday, May 31, 2009

Little Fish!

My little man is such a fish! He LOVES being in the water! We drug out the "froggie" pool from last summer. He's SO much bigger this summer! He was very cute watching Jeff fill up the pool and then couldn't wait to get in. I kept asking him to smile and show me his happy face. He gave me a face, just not the cute one I was hoping for!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

My Little Monkey

Drew LOVES eating bananas, but tonight he insisted on holding it himself. It was pretty funny. Here's a couple pictures, but the video is the best part!

Monday, May 25, 2009


Daddy called to say "Hi" while we were swinging. Drew didn't want to get out to talk to him, instead he just grabbed the phone and started jabbering away!

Workin' Man

As soon as we sit down to get something done in the office, along comes our little helper. He loves to draw and is constantly trying to grab pens, pencils, and highlighters from the drawers. So Jeff brought up my old desk and we put it in the office. Drew thought he was big stuff!

Sunday, May 24, 2009


We visited some friends over the long weekend and they had a water table. Drew instantly began splashing and didn't stop until the table was empty! We knew he loved water, but holy moly!! When he started he had his hat and sunglasses on. He quickly figured out he couldn't get his face far enough into the water without hitting the bill of his hat on the bottom of the water table. So, off went the hat and glasses! Here are some pics and a couple quick videos of our little waterboy!

Who Spilled the Beans?

Drew loves "scooping" things from one container to another. So I filled a tub with dried beans and gave him some "tools". He had to sit on some old towels because he kept dropipng them through the deck. He played for so long, it was great!

I see lots of scooping in his future!

Here we go!

I'm finally giving in and starting a blog for the three of us. Drew is so much fun, I can't help but want to share all of our great stories with everyone. I'm so amazed at how much he's changing and I get to see him every day! Hopefully I'll be able to figure out how to upload pictures and videos and you'll be able to watch him grow right along with us!