Saturday, August 22, 2009

Too Cool

Drew went shopping with me one morning. We took longer than I expected, so we ran through a drive through for some quick lunch. As I was ordering, he asked me for his hat & sunglasses. I tossed them back without looking. As we pulled away I turned around to talk to him and this is how he "dressed" himself. Nice hat! :)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Papa's Boy

Drew loves his Papa and going to the park. Going to the park WITH Papa qualifies as a great day in his book! Brad and Breckyn met us up there. Drew ran from Papa to Grandma and back all day long. He thought it was very fun. While he was swinging he had to show us all his funny faces. He's quite the little entertainer!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Barber Daddy

Drew's hair grows SO FAST! Lord knows we could never get him to sit down or still for a "real" haircut; so Daddy got out the clippers on the deck! Drew was a trooper and held pretty still while we cut it all off. When we were walking upstairs for a bath I asked him where all his hair went. He looked out the window and told me, "outside mama!"

Friday, August 14, 2009

Little Dutch Boy

We know how much Drew loves being outside and playing with the water. We gave him one of Breckyn's buckets filled with water and a paintbrush. Now, thanks to Drew, the slide has a fresh coat of "water"!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Soccer Star

We still have a way to go, but Drew loves to sit in his rocking chair and play catch. Hopefully he gets his athletic abilities from his Daddy and not his Mommy!