Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Yes, it's true!

It's such a rare occasion that my sweet little boy sits still for 30 seconds, I thought it was important to document this! He actually sat still for almost 15 minutes to watch a little Elmo. I never thought I'd be excited that my child WANTED to watch T.V.!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Move over Papa...there's a new tool man in town

In my quest for "big toys", I found a workbench for Drew. He was most excited about the phone and the "tools" that made noise. He had the funniest expressions as he found each new sound. Needless to say, it's his new favorite spot!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Look what I can do!

Mommy and I have been working really hard on shapes and colors during her cycle break. I can say circle, but that's the only one. When all the shapes are in a big pile I can usually pick out the triangles, squares, and circles. I can also pull out red, yellow, green, or blue shapes. Just this week I finally figured out how to get all the right shapes on the right pegs. Sometimes I tease Mommy and pretend to put the wrong shape on the wrong peg. But then I just laugh and say, "noooo". She thinks it's pretty funny. Mommy is really proud of my hard work and tries to get me to show my trick to people. But I don't like to show off, so I don't show many people what I can do. Daddy said he would just take a picture and then Mommy could scrapbook it!

Dressed for a Mess

There were colored spaghetti noodles that stuck to the paper. Very fun!
Check out my drawing- what do you think?

I wasn't too sure about the oatmeal dough. I tried to taste it, but as usual Mommy told me no.

Helping the lady stir the oatmeal dough. She said I was a really good helper and told Mommy that she should let me help her in the kitchen. Mommy wasn't so sure about that plan.

Using cookie cutters in some dough.

Let me show you Dad.

Scooping flour into Daddy's cup.

Looking for a good place to dump this flour.

Wentzville Parents as Teachers had thier summer event today, Dress for a Mess. We went to Quail Ridge Park around 10. They had a pavilion all set up with each table having their own activity. I was amazed at the creative activities. Drew was still a little young to fully enjoy everything, but he had a great time. They had jello with hidden objects inside. Drew was able to take a tweezers and pick them out. There were colored spaghetti noodles to make art with, bubbles, a tub of flour and scoops, gloop, colored shaving cream, oatmeal play dough, and more. It was very fun. Mommy's favorite part was they gave her the "recipes" for all the activities! Drew's favorite was the tub of flour. He wasn't too sure about all the gooey stuff. He kept holding his fingers up saying, "help" until we would wipe it off. I can't imagine where he gets that from! :)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Movin' on up!

We finally graduated to a larger pool for Drew! The froggy pool just wasn't big enough for our little monster anymore. The best part about the new pool is that Mommy can fit in there with Drew! Papa came to help us blow it up since Daddy is in California for some training. While Drew was napping I started to fill it with water, it took forever! He was so excited when he woke up that I decided to let him take a quick dip late in the afternoon.

You are getting verrrry sleepy!

GOING....Look at my eyes mom...I'm SO tired!
GOING.... His little eyes were so heavy he would close them as soon as the spoon made it in.

GONE...forget this! I'm more tired than hungry!

We had such a busy morning! By the time we got home from running errands it was almost nap time. So I made Drew a quick lunch and was cleaning up while he was eating. He ate so quiet, which is very unusual for Drew. I just figured he must have been starving. I gave him a bowl of corn with a spoon after he ate his bean tortilla. I kept hearing his spoon hit his tray as I was cleaning. I turned around to watch him and realized he was falling asleep while eating! It was so funny! He would take a bite of corn and then as he started to chew it would put him to sleep. His mouth would open and all the corn would fall out. I felt so bad for the little guy. At one point he just put his head back and gave up! Such a schedule baby! :)

Happy Father's Day!

Yep, I signed my name all by myself!
Here Dad, let me show you how to open these!

One more, you are a REALLY good Daddy.

EARLY morning smiles! :)

I stole Molly's toy. Maybe if I stand really still in this corner she won't find me! :)

Happy Father's Day to my Daddy! We got up early this morning to make Daddy a special breakfast since he had to leave at 9:00 for his trip to California. Drew picked out some special gifts to let Daddy know how much he loves him. He was very excited to give him the presents and even more excited to help him pull the tissue out of the bags! Drew is very lucky to have such a great Daddy that loves to play with him and snuggle him!

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Grandma & Papa are cleaning out the basement, so they brought over a toy box with lots of Mommy & Uncle Brad's old toys. Needless to say Drew was very excited to find the new "treasures". Daddy & Drew made a bowling alley in the loft. Daddy would set up all the pins and Drew would walk all the way up to them, drop his ball, and then clap. It was too cute!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Pool Playdate- part 2

At first he liked being pulled around in the turtle- but that didn't last long. He's so tall this year that we can't even pull the shade over him. Looks like it's time for the next size up!

Ella & Drew had to stop for an animal cracker snack break.

Ella, Gracie, and Drew having their picnic lunch.

Ella took her shirt off and Drew started trying to hug & kiss her. It was too funny at the moment...now I'm just worried we might have our hands full in a couple years!

His new swimming trunks aren't really shorts- they are longs! BUT...we don't have to worry about pink legs with these!

We had so much fun at the pool with Gracie & Ella on Thursday that we invited them back on Friday! We spent about 2 hours there and then we all had to head home for naps. The kids had a cute picnic lunch and Drew had his first Capri Sun. I think he drank the whole thing in one slurp!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Pool Playdate!

Before we went to the pool we had to show Gracie all of our toys. Drew drove over to show her where he keeps his Cheerioes. He doesn't share his food with many...he must think she's cute!

Trying to stick his foot into the filter- nice!
Drew held Gracies hand through the lazy river 4 or 5 times in a row. It was too cute!

Drew just trying to get a little sun as we floated through the lazy river.

Daddy & Drew getting ready to go down the slide. Sara & Ella were right behind them climbing up the steps.
Gina & Gracie, Mommy & Drew, Sara & Ella

Mommy & Drew

We invited Gina, Gracie, Sara, and Ella to come swimming with us today. What a perfect day for the pool- it was so hot! Of course Drew just wanted to fill up and dump out his bucket, but once we were able to hide it he started to enjoy the pool a little bit more.
I was actually surprised that he was a little nervous in the water at first. He loves his little pool and the bathtub so much I thought he would be a total fish. He was fine in the shallow water, but as soon as we went into water where he couldn't touch he wasn't so sure! He was clinging to me so tight! After a few trips around the pool he started to loosen up. We decided to go back again tomorrow for some more fun. Hopefully by next week he'll be good to go!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Mommy's Boy

My sweet boy is growing up so fast! I can't believe that we took him for his 18 month check up today! He weighed in at 30 lbs and 34 inches tall (90% for his age in each). He's doing great for his age with his verbal skills, poor kid has a teacher for a mom, and is right on track with his motor skills. Bascially he's a happy healthy little man with two very lucky parents. I was trying to get a cute picture of us for the scrapbook- but my little man was feeling a bit silly! :)

Summer Fun!

I came home from shopping to find Daddy and Drew playing in the front yard. Daddy had the patio umbrella in the yard to give our fair skinned little guys some shade and the Elmo sprinkler (thanks Aunt Michelle) was right in the middle. Drew was so excited he just kept saying, "Elmo" over and over. Of course that entertainment lasted all of about 10 minutes and then he was ready to move on. So we broke out the big bubble wand. He chased the bubbles almost two houses down before he realized that more were coming behind him. He was trying so hard to blow some big bubbles just like Daddy, but kept putting his mouth too close and popping the bubbles. So we found his battery bubble blower- which was PERFECT! Daddy dipped it into the bubbles and then Drew could push the button to blow the bubbles. He was in heaven. Grandma and Papa stopped by to say hello and the neighbors walked over. Drew loves visitors! We even ended up getting the pool out to catch all the water from the sprinkler, our lawn chairs were sinking by the second!